Gossamer Skin
Plastic Eyes
I couldn’t save anyone,
not matter what I did.
Eat my Sins,
O Chilled Hemlock.
Throw bones,
before the wire
passes through you.
As Tragic Queens sit,
Their throne built of half-tied
lineage and
ferocity unsullied.
As Amorphous Masses
scream for nothing
and everything,
though they are loved.
As Growing Wolf,
above All things,
devours once more.
My machinations were not enough.
as I watched you perish.
the end was inevitable.
As I gave in to the voice,
and moved to the next,
I realized,
this one Infinity was not
all of them.
You were unscathed,
in the next.
I woke,
still covered in sweat,
and felt my eyes,
rubbing the wetness
Which infinity is this?